Hoyt Barnett
The late Hoyt Barnett’s many significant contributions to our community continue to be felt to this day. In addition to the impact he made in the business community, Barnett was a great supporter of sports in Polk County. He was a life-time contributor to Florida Southern College athletics and other local teams such as the Detroit Tigers, the Lakeland Pilots and the Florida Brahmans.
An avid basketball fan, Hoyt Barnett was a fixture at Florida Southern College games for many years. He attended more than 1,500 Moccasin basketball games and was active in the Sixth Man Club, the booster club for men’s basketball. Hoyt Barnett’s support for and generosity to Florida Southern extended well beyond the men’s basketball program. The Barnett family donated the majority of the funding to provide lights for the softball and soccer field and, subsequently, the facility was re-named Barnett Field in his honor. The addition of lights at Barnett Field made it possible for Florida Southern College to host a number of NCAA regional softball tournaments. Hoyt Barnett also attended more than 2,500 Florida Southern College baseball games and was a member of the Diamond Club.